Advanced Demo:

Upholstered Furniture Pattern with Graphics

If you create upholstered furniture pieces for furniture industry, 3D to 2D digital patterning can help do more work in less time. In this demo we use a textured chair and import it into ExactFlat for Rhino 3D. We work on the imported model, flatten and render it into 2D patterns and create an export file for the cutter.

Table of Contents

Here’s the table of contents to the “Upholstered Furniture Pattern with Graphics” video. This video shows how to flatten from 3D to 2D and create sewing patterns. Use the links below to navigate to the section of interest or watch the entire video:

27:50 Fill Holes in the Mesh

31:26 Initial Flattening

33:05 Strain Highlights

35:45 Pre-flatteners: Fracture

37:00 Pre-flatteners: Pelt

38:38 Flatteners: The Optimizer

42:23 Average Energy Density

44:22 No Seam Stretch Error

46:32 The Highlights

49:20 Export to DXF

0:00 Introduction

1:02 Create a Mesh

5:06 Detail Controls of the Mesh

8:07 Explode the Mesh

9:23 Joint the Meshes

12:34 Weld the Meshes

19:21 Validate the Mesh

21:34 Copy the Meshes

22:33 Remesh

24:48 Change the Remesher Settings